We have been persevering though the H-1B Registration Journey for 20 days. We survived account creation and have moved on to actual H-1B Registration. We have overcome glitches that require recreating the employer account, deleting and redrafting the registration, restarting computers, using different browsers, countless calls with people busy with their own corporate problems. Did I mention there is a global pandemic going on?
I have never seen such a flawed system for providing 10 pieces of information to the government.
We believe we have now encountered every conceivable problem that this faulty system can throw at us. We are dedicated to registering all of our H-1B cases without delay. We want to avoid any possible interruptions that can quickly descend on the office as a result of the growing national coronavirus emergency.
Although the filing deadline is March 20th at noon Eastern Time, we plan to have all our registrations submitted by March 16, 2020.
Contact E&M Mayock for last minute assistance with H-1B Cap Registration today.